About Us
To think that this journey could have began with a simple conversation. An evening on the couch with my soon to be fiancé . My mind completely in outer space as she sits there to tell the latest drama at work. I still ponder to this day if she ever noticed I had not the slightest clue as to what she was talking about. (But don't tell her that!) In an attempt to conceal my lack of attention, I responded like any man who loves his girlfriend would: "You know, you're kind of an asshole....." Immediately, I paused as I took a sip of wine I had been drinking. "I'm going to make some wine and call it Kindness and give it to you". She chuckled and we went about our day. One week later, I was sitting in my basement after a long gaming session, brainstorming for hours of how I could find some way to work for myself. Eventually, the little wine joke I made hit me. "I love to drink wine, I don't see why I couldn't make it?" I thought to myself. I had found my purpose. After months of watching YouTube videos, many hours of hand crushing fruit, and thousands of dollars literally down the drain, I am proud to be here writing to you of how that little bit of faith I had in my dream actually worked. Thank you very much for visiting Kindness Wine. I hope you to see you again! And Hey, Spread Kindness!